NASDE Swing Dance Competition Divisions
NASDE sponsors the swing dance competition divisions of Showcase, Classic to help promote, preserve, and improve swing dancing. The objective is to provide a competitive performance venue for the various unique styles of swing that have developed across the nation to include the Carolina Shag, Dallas Push, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Hollywood Swing, Houston Whip, Imperial Swing, Jive, Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, Rock-n-Roll, and West Coast Swing, to name a few.
NASDE Statement of Swing
NASDE Statement of Swing to be used to identify the presence of swing in the NASDE competition divisions. Swing is an American Rhythm Dance based on a foundation of 6-beat and 8-beat patterns that incorporate a wide variety of rhythms built on 2-beat single, delayed, double, triple, and blank rhythm units. The 6-beat patterns include, but are not limited to, passes, underarm turns, push-breaks, open-to closed, and closed-to-open position patterns. The 8-beat patterns include, but are not limited to, whips, swing-outs, Lindy circles, and Shag pivots. Although they are not part of the foundation of the dance as stated above, 2- beat and 4-beat extension rhythm breaks may be incorporated to extend a pattern, to phrase the music, and/or to accent breaks.
NASDE Sportsmanship Expectations
Sportsmanship is a fundamental aspect of our competition. Competing for the NASDE prize fund is privilege, not a right. The event director may flag a competitor’s behavior as un-sportsman-like. Said behavior will be reviewed by the NASDE board at the next schedule NASDE Board meeting. Redress for violations can include but are not limited to deduction of points, dropping in level in the overall standing, or removal of competitor from the NASDE list.
NASDE Prop Rules
To ensure the safety of competitors and the audience, no props are allowed in NASDE routines. A prop is defined as any article or object that is intentionally discarded, removed, taken away, or brought into a dance by a competitor. This includes, but not limited to, a hat that is thrown to the floor, a cane that is tossed away, or picking up an object from the floor. The referee will be designated as ensuring this rule is enforced. if the referee determines a violation occurred, the NASDE Referee will be used for verification and applying penalties.
NASDE Re-Starts Rule
Re-starts will be allowed in NASDE Classic or Showcase divisions, if something occurs during the performance that would impact the safety of the competitors. This includes:
1. Technical problems — factors outside the dancers control (e.g., lights in ballroom go out, flooring is faulty or damages, music suddenly stops)
2. Costume malfunctions — shoe breaks or becomes unfastened or untied; costume tears or breaks, and loose items could endanger dancers or expose a part of body that would not normally be exposed in a public setting.
If such a problem occurs during a performance, the Chief Judge may stop the performance, until the problem can be addressed and rectified at the time of the competition. The competitors may also willingly stop their performance and ask the Chief Judge for a Re-start.
The competitors must request the re-start prior to their departure from competition dance floor. They must speak to the Chief Judge when the problem occurs.
If it is determined that a Re-Start is allowable, the Chief Judge will then make a decide based on their situation and ask the couples to dance/restart as quick as possible.
Staff Judges will be instructed by the Chief Judge to judge the competitors on the repeat performance only. The performance that occurred before the Re-Start will not be counted toward the competitor’s overall ranking.
Classic Division
(Place/Points: 1/10, 2/9, 3/8, 4/7, 5/6)
Swing dancing that allows choreography emphasizing the foundation of swing dancing and swing movement. Drops, leans, circular movements and other partner weight support moves are allowed as long as both partners keep at least one foot on the floor.
- NASDE rules apply
- If any Event rule conflicts with published NASDE rules, the NASDE rules take precedence.
- Contestants must be 18 years or older by the end of the event to participate.
- Guidelines for expected swing content in Classic is 75%. It is at the Judges’ discretion to determine that the swing content requirement has been met.
- A competitive couple must consist of one leader and one follower. They must remain in their respective roles throughout the entire routine with an allowable exception of a one time role switch that does not exceed eight beats.
- The minimum of 3 couple entries in each division is required for a division to occur.
- The minimum prize money offered for the division should be $1,200 (1st-500, 2nd-280, 3rd-200, 4th-120, 5th-100).
- If a member event offers a NASDE competition category and cancels the division due to not having 3 or more couples to compete in the division, the competitors who registered and arrived prepared to compete, will be allowed to compete for NASDE points. Event directors may reduce cash prizes at their discretion.
- An individual is not permitted to dance twice within the same division.
- Performance time is a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 3 minutes. The clock begins and judging starts at the first dance movement of the performance, with or without music.
- Competitors select their own music.
- Costumes are allowed and encouraged.
- Separate entrances are permitted but the couple must physically join together within 32 beats of music.
- Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-aways, and recoveries. If combined, separation cannot be more than 8 beats of music. For example, if a competitor does a free spin or a turn, is not connected to their partner, and goes straight into a side by side break-away, the entire separation cannot be more than 8 beats of music.
- Both partners must keep at least one foot on the floor during weight-support moves. If the foot comes off the floor, it will be flagged for review to determine if it was a violation (part of the choreography) or an error.
- A maximum of seven (7) partner weight-support moves are permitted.
Showcase Division
Place/Points: 1/10, 2/9, 3/8, 4/7, 5/6)
Swing dancing that allows lifts, as well as other partner weight-support moves.
- NASDE Rules apply.
- If any Event rule conflicts with published NASDE rules, the NASDE rules take precedence.
- Contestants must be 18 years or older by the end of the Event to participate.
- Guideline for swing content in Showcase is 60%. It is at the Judges’ discretion to determine that the swing content requirement has been met.
- A competitive couple must consist of one leader and one follower. They must remain in their respective roles throughout the entire routine with an allowable exception of a one time role switch that does not exceed eight beats.
- The minimum of 3 couple entries in each division is required for a division to occur.
- The minimum prize money offered for the division should be $1,200 (1st-500, 2nd-280, 3rd-200, 4th-120, 5th-100).
- If a member event offers a NASDE competition category and cancels the division due to not having 3 or more couples to compete in the division, the competitors who registered and arrived prepared to compete, will be allowed to compete for NASDE points. Event directors may reduce cash prizes at their discretion.
- An individual is not permitted to dance twice within the same division.
- Performance time is a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 3 minutes. The clock begins and judging starts at the first dance movement of the performance, with or without music.
- Competitors select their own music.
- Costumes are allowed and encouraged.
- Separate entrances are permitted.
- Break-aways and side-by-side patterns are permitted.
- A minimum of three (3) lifts total are required, with at least one of those lifts must be where the followers hips is at or above the leads shoulders while the lead is standing (not sitting, squatting, or flexed forward) and the lift must have the appearance of being sustained for 1-3 seconds.
- There is no lift maximum.